March 30, 2003

I saw my first actual car fire the other day. Before I get the heckles from the audience, the occupants were already on the side of the road well away from the vehicle. Before I'd only seen burnt out husks of cars, left on the road for wreckers to cart away. This one was a roaring inferno, it was almost cool. The fire department hadn't yet reached the lawn and garden pick up truck, but a motorcycle cop had blocked 2 of the three lanes on the highway, luckily I was going the other way. The flames were 20 feet high and coming out of every nook and crannie. It was most impressive. So I'm left to wonder how the fire started whether it was a design flaw in the vehicle or if one of the lawn and gardeners flicked a cigarette and it careened into the bed of the truck where was housed several flamable liquids. I guess I'll never know.

People who didn't use their signal today: 15


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